FramerBite is a leading brand offering a wide range of premium and free Framer templates and resources. With FramerBite, you can enhance your Framer journey and unlock endless possibilities for your projects. Whether you need custom Framer services, access to all templates, or want to explore the latest Framer templates, FramerBite has got you covered. They provide free and premium templates, components, and resources to help you speed up your website building process inside Framer. Their impressive collection includes templates like BlazeX Multi-Layout SaaS Template, Feminine Life Coach Framer Template, Avanta Multi-Layout SaaS Template, and more. Additionally, FramerBite offers a Framer Component Library with 200+ unique blocks, allowing you to easily build a page inside Framer with simple copy & paste. Join FramerBite today to take advantage of their exclusive 10% discount on your next purchase and unlock a world of possibilities for your website building needs.